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I am The Voice...

The Voice

6/17/17: The Voice

The Voice -

7/30/17: What It Means to be a Lightworker

What it Means to be Lightworker -

"Listen for me when you silence your thoughts and step into your heart.

I am there."

Almost exactly a year ago, while Cullen and I were hiking at a petroglyph site south of Santa Fe, New Mexico, a new voice began speaking through me; she calls herself "The Voice," and she offers strong suggestions for human evolution.


I have come to understand that she represents the intersection of all divergent energies or points of view into unity–into a V. You can see her image (V) represented in Nature continually, reminding us of how we can join ourselves together, regardless of our individual differences.


I have previously kept these messages private, but I was instructed to share the message in the attached recording with the world on Mary Magdalene's Feast Day, July 22. This particular message came as a direct response to my asking all of the beings of light in other realms who communicate with me to help me understand why I was having such violent dreams, where I was running for my life, every night (an unprecedented event in my entire life!) These dreams began when Cullen and I arrived in Mexico and have since stopped.


If you choose to listen to this message, I encourage you to focus on the fact that The Voice is telling us that humanity "is a very loving species" rather than on ideas that may cause you to feel fearful. Together, we can get through anything with love, and it is through love that we can change the world! The voice reminds us,

"Know that you are not only surrounded in love, but that you are love. Learn to focus on that. Love loves. So be love. Your lives will improve through the challenging times ahead from this perspective. I am the V of victory over all the challenges as you begin to transcend them. I am The Voice. The voice of wisdom is always available. You can enter into the V of consciousness of all that is whenever you silence your mental thoughts and step into your heart.  I am always there. I am the divine feminine who can bring you to the point of integration, completion, and unity. Step into that space and know who you are."

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