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Coalition for Visionary Awards Winner

Exit Plan

And Other Short Stories

This book is intended to inspire, uplift, and shed light on the human journey.  Each of these stories is based upon my resonance with the perspectives that Laarkmaa and other Voices From Light have shared with Cullen and me through the years as they encourage all of us to change our beliefs, raise our vibrations, and step into becoming Cosmic Citizens.  Some of these stories come from experiences others have shared with us.  Some come from our own experiences and knowing.  And some, based upon concepts Laarkmaa or others have been instilling into the hearts and minds of evolving human consciousness, are simply fiction at this time.


Or are they?...

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"Exit Plan is beautiful! It brought tears to my eyes."

         MDJ, Florida, USA

"I gave myself the book "Exit Plan" for Christmas this year.  Yesterday I read the story "The Fairy", which helped me a lot.  It was so appropriate for what I needed to hear right now!  Thank You!."
Sonja- Germany

"I have probably read only 2-3  fiction stories in my whole life, as I have been more interested in science.  BUT I must say that Exit Plan brought tears to my eyes. What fantastic insights and deeply moving stories that I can relate to on a heart level.  Thank you so so much. I find myself repeating a few sentences when I awake in the early morning.  I’m changing because of the book."
NC- Sweden

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