April brings us a Collective Shadow Cycle, a Full Solar Eclipse, and a Mercury Retrograde, all at once! We step into these energies on March 31. Slowing down and paying attention to our inner work will certainly support our process in the intense arriving energies. While Eclipses can reveal hidden work that needs attention and Collective Shadow Cycles show where our human collective is stuck on our Evolutionary Path, if we have diligently addressed these issues, we may accomplish enough to deserve the ensuing period of reprieve that comes in May and June, which is certainly welcome in this time of confusion and chaos!
Here is a description of each energetic period.
March 31 – April 12 – Self-Regulating Energy
This period encourages us to band together collectively, synchronizing ourselves with the energies for more self-awareness and cooperation. This period also includes part of the twenty-one-day Collective Shadow cycle (from April 3 – April 22.) The Total Solar Eclipse that occurs on April 8 under a New Moon further promotes digging into our own shadows to make positive changes. Working together always promotes a sense of solidarity and community.
April 13 – April 25- Illuminating Energy
The second half of the twenty-one-day Collective Shadow cycle occurs in this energetic period. In Illuminating Energy, we can experience high creativity, which is perfect for imagining and manifesting new and better ways to exist together in peace and harmony. This is a time to broadcast and share our light!
In doing so, we create a better world through Unity consciousness.
April 26 – May 8 – Planting Energy
This energy brings a focus on the opportunities that abound for planting new and positive viewpoints and making plans for actions that suit our changing circumstances. Planting Energy always brings a renewed energy of hope and trust in our creative abilities. We can plant seeds that can change the world, if we act responsibly as we move forward. Planting now helps create a better future for all of us.
May 9 – May 21 – Evolving Energy
On May 9, immediately following the appearance of the New Moon, we move into the period of Evolving Energy, an Eastern energy that is full of shifting boundaries and the possibility of destabilization of existing structures, be they financial, political, or personal. We need to see change as opportunity rather than challenge. Please remember that change always emerges from chaos, and whatever unexpected or chaotic things may appear during this period, use your own power to make a positive difference on a new and better path. Remember, we are always evolving into something different.
May 22 – June 3– Devoting Energy
This 13-day period of Devoting Energy influence, guides us to be sure we are loyal and devoted to the people and things that are right for us in this now moment. This period brings a space to catch our breath in peaceful energies if we have moved away from any personal agendas and made choices that actually benefit the highest good for all. In this energy, we can devote ourselves to what is truly most important. Loyalty to the truth is always extremely important, but especially during this energetic period.
June 4 – June 16 – Listening Energy
June 4 is a day full of big changes! We move into the deeply reflective 13-day period of Listening Energy, at the same time the Venus Star moves away from the influence of Leo and into the stimulus of Gemini to communicate what needs to be said. At the same time, Venus also moves into the phase of Transmutation, calling us to transmute, or change, whatever is not working in our lives. Listening Energy is a most important period to really quiet ourselves and hear what is absolutely necessary for us to know, and Venus lights our way. This is a time of potent influences urging us to listen to our hearts, communicate clearly what needs to be expressed, and to change anything that does not support our growth and evolution.
June 17 – June 29- Intuiting Energy
Now we begin to experience the influence of Intuiting Energy for 13 days, which will take us almost to the end of the month. If we have listened well, said what needed to be said, and made our best efforts to change what needed changing in the preceeding13-day period, it will be much easier for us to pay attention to and act upon the intuitive messages delivered by our hearts. Intuition is one of our most important tools for growth and transformation. Listening to our intuition is always helpful on our path towards enlightenment.
We close out the month on June 30 with the first of the 13-day period of Feeling Energy, so be careful with any sudden emotional reactions to people or circumstances. This period will be discussed more fully in the next Pleiadian-Earth Energy report!