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Writer's picture: Pia OrleanePia Orleane

We have now bravely stepped into the thirteen-day period of Illuminating Earth Energy in the second half of our Collective Shadow Cycle. With all of the cosmic catalysts for change, incoming light, and nudges for our evolution, the Collective Shadows of the world can add to our feelings of being completely overwhelmed. Or we can see and feel that the energy of Illuminating can help us step away from the drama of the world and go deeper into our own experience of change and growth. We always have a choice of how to respond to the energies that the universe (or the choices of the Collective) bring our way. When we choose love instead of fear, we add to the power of the evolutionary process just by being the love and light that we are.

The nodes of the moon have also recently shifted, bringing an emphasis on the opposite (but equally important) processes of cooperation in relationships and authenticity in asserting the truth of who we are–in the world and in the cosmos. The South Node of the Moon in Libra always wants peace at any price. The North Node of the Moon in Aries

encourages us to be brave and assertive in being who we are through standing up for the truth and demonstrating for others how to be non-judgmental but powerfully outspoken for justice and truth.

Illuminating energy can contain a lot of drama, as already mentioned. But it also carries lightness, humor, and joy. We choose to relate through the lower vibration of joining the drama or the higher vibration of bringing lightness into any situation. Relationships are tested right now, including the relationship we have with ourselves. It is supremely important that we continually return to the calm space in the heart and listen to its guidance, for our hearts are connected to Source and higher wisdom.

We actually need to be the light that we are and to shine that light into the world, and this 13-day period within in the Collective Shadow Cycle, supports our clarity and power, if we simply connect to our hearts and follow their guidance. The collective is still mostly asleep. But if we shine enough light, the light of consciousness will penetrate them at some level, whether we witness it or not. When we view the collective, we don’t have to like everyone, yet we must unconditionally love each and every one of them! We do this through shining our light and simply being love.

With kindness, compassion, and love,


You can look more deeply into the Pleiadian-Earth Energy system in

Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology- Charting the Spirals of Consciousness

and the accompanying non-expiring Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar,

which can be used for continual reference.

Explore your personal Pleiadian-Earth energies in depth with your own Pleiadian-Earth Energy Chart.

You can request an Alternative Health Session or get individualized dietary support based on the Ascension Diet from Pia to support the changes you are making at a cellular level.

NANO SOMA, which helps you to return to the original blueprint of health, and DEFENSE FOR PLANET EARTH protection devices (DPE) are available here (all proceeds go towards sharing Laarkmaa’s wisdom with the world): Laarkmaa is offering their assistance through sharing their Pleiadian perspective in personal sessions. You can request a personal session to receive their help or an Evolutionary Evaluation.

Intuitive Sessions with Pia are also available.

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