The energies that begin at sunset today, 10 November, bring us a respite from internal stress. While we may still experience external challenges, the energy for the next 13 days increases our sensitivity and our capacity for compassion. This energetic period, Remembering, is one of my favorite periods in the 260-day Venus Cycle, for I believe it epitomizes how Laarkmaa encourages us to Remember Who We Are––peaceful, loving, cooperative beings of light! And as we remember and incorporate more of that energy into ourselves, it radiates out into the world, supporting others.
Remembering’s energy supports our recognition that our deep purpose is to actually remember the connection point of all opposites. We may feel restrictions from both polarities, but this energy helps us to remember the possibility of unity between seeming contradictions, which of course, helps us to move away from separation.
Remembering Earth Energy seeks harmony and brings a great appreciation for beauty in the world. However, one of the aspects of Remembering Earth energy is a sensation that we are living in the two worlds– our third dimensional illusion and our multidimensional reality. This is most appropriate since we are trying to remember who we are and rebalance ourselves with our natural gifts! And our increased sensitivities during this period will make that sensation even more obvious over the next 13 days.
To continue our growth, we must be sure that we are compassionate but not overly-compromising. Peace is always best served by being true to our own hearts while sharing our perspective with others. Remembering Earth Energy also encourages us to return to Nature. This is an energy that loves our wildness, not our social training. There is strength and power associated with wilderness, in all its beauty, and allowing our hearts to follow the call of the wild is much more evolutionary than following artificial rules of a false society. In this 13-day period, may each of us remember who we are and choose things that are for the highest good of all.
You can explore your own energetic makeup with a personal Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrological Chart. If Remembering is the Earth Energy you are here to explore, this week is especially aligned with your own energies, giving opportunities for your gifts to help change the world. You see how I interpret an individual’s chart in the Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrological system here onYoutube.
With kindness, compassion, and love,
You can look more deeply into the Pleiadian-Earth Energy system in the book Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology- Charting the Spirals of Consciousness and the accompanying 2022 Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar, which is now available at your local independent bookstore.
Photo credit to Sean Paul Kinnear @ unsplash.com