We close the last 13-day period in the energy of Self-Regulating today. The energy of 13 (Integration) and Self-Regulating give us a chance to regulate all levels of our being–physical, emotional, mental, spiritual– as we integrate all of the changes we are experiencing at this chaotic time on Earth.
Today Venus (shown above) as the Evening Star moves into the Wholeness Phase. We can use this energy to become more whole ourselves by ridding ourselves of outdated patterns of behavior, dysfunctional belief systems or relationships, and the “Bad Training” (Cullen’s term) that has led us to expect others to rescue us rather than our empowering ourselves to make the changes that are essential, both in our individual lives and on the planet.
At sunset we move into the next 13-cay period of Catalyzing Energy, an energy that is known to bring challenges in every direction. We are in the midst of intense changes on our planet and within ourselves; and we face daily questions of how to catalyze the changes we wish to see as we use our intention and intuition to turn challenges into new opportunities to create a better world.
Catalyzing energy is about community, and it is more important than ever to consider our global community with every choice we make. To survive, we must catalyze actions that will benefit the highest good for all, which sometimes means surrendering things we think we need in order to create something better. We also must work to keep our vibrations as high as possible, rather than allowing lower negative vibrational energies like hopelessness, despair, or fear to enter into our energy fields.The next 13 days precede a very important Solstice, and our Sun is bringing more light now and at Solstice to support our evolution. Catalyzing energy is connected to the heart itself, and we must keep our hearts strong and open.
With kindness, compassion, and love,
You can look more deeply into the Pleiadian-Earth Energy system in
Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology- Charting the Spirals of Consciousness
and the accompanying non-expiring Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar,
which can be used for continual reference.
Explore your personal Pleiadian-Earth energies in depth with your own Pleiadian-Earth Energy Chart.
You can request an Alternative Health Session session or get individualized dietary support based on the Ascension Diet from Pia to support the changes you are making at a cellular level.
NANO SOMA, which helps you to return to the original blueprint of health, and Defense for Planet Earth protection devices (DPE) are available here (all proceeds go towards sharing Laarkmaa’s wisdom with the world):
Laarkmaa is offering their assistance through sharing their Pleiadian perspective in personal sessions. You can request a personal session to receive their help
or an Evolutionary Evaluation.
Intuitive Sessions with Pia are also available.