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Writer's picture: Pia OrleanePia Orleane

Today and the following two days are packed full of cosmic energies encouraging necessary changes on our journey of evolution. Venus moves into the phase of Fullness today bringing more light from our twin planet, now in the morning sky. In the Fullness phase Venus achieves maximum brightness, and encourages us to do the same, shining out our light wherever we go. Venus will be in this phase for fifty-one days, and our work under this influence is to expand our individual and collective efforts to create a better world.

Following Venus’s move into Fullness, we experience another Day of Karma where we can change our karma by making the best possible choices for the highest good for all on Monday, September 4, in the energies of 13 Feeling. This is likely to be a very emotional day, where we have a chance to review what our emotions are showing us and use the light of Venus to choose different and higher ways of interacting with each other and with the Earth herself.

Following the Day of Karma, which happens every 260 days on the last day of the 13-day period of Evolving Energy, we begin a new 13-day period of Devoting Energy. After reviewing our karmic patterns in the light of Venus, we may make choices to revise our contracts and choose devotion (or loyalty) to the truth that lives in our hearts, rather than a truth that no longer fits who we have become. With courage and commitment to the greater realizations of truth we have recognized, we are encouraged to make choices that correct outdated contracts, karma, or relationships that are no longer working for either party. Remembering that our Pleiadian friends, Laarkmaa, have always told us that the greatest loyalty is loyalty to the truth, we may experience this 13-day period of Devoting Energy differently than ever before, establishing a baseline for always following our hearts.

At this time, we need more than ever to respond to life in accordance with cosmic laws in the spirit of love, trust, kindness, compassion, and even joy! Devoting Energy encourages us to live in a spirit of harmony with cosmic laws, not laws imposed on us by others only in the third dimension.

The two days preceding the arrival of Devoting Energy prepare us to examine how and why we may feel stuck in karmic patterns where we are not loyal to our heart’s truth and make the necessary changes to find the harmony and peace we seek.

If you want to discover more about how the phases of Venus guide our lives, the karmic patterns that keep us stuck, and the shadow cycles that give us opportunities to break free, join my Pleiadian-Earth Energy Workshop on November 10, 11, and 12.

With kindness, compassion, and love,


Watch your email for an opportunity to register early to receive a discount in the November Pleiadian-Earth Energy Workshop, soon to be on the website!

Explore your personal Pleiadian-Earth energies in depth with your own Pleiadian-Earth Energy Chart.

You can look more deeply into the Pleiadian-Earth Energy system in

Laarkmaa is offering their assistance through sharing their Pleiadian perspective in personal sessions. You can request a personal session to receive their help

Intuitive Sessions with Pia are also available.

You can request an Alternative Health Session or get individualized dietary support based on the Ascension Diet from Pia to support the changes you are making at a cellular level.

NANO SOMA, which helps you to return to the original blueprint of health, and DEFENSE FOR PLANET EARTH protection devices (DPE) are available here (all proceeds go towards sharing Laarkmaa’s wisdom with the world):

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